Assessor accredited by the Quality Management Club (Club de Gestión de Calidad en el Modelo Europeo de Excelencia (EFQM))
President of the External Evaluation Committees for University Library Services. AQU Cataluña, 2006-
Methodological expert for the External Evaluation Committees for university services (human resources, support for research, etc) of the AGAE (UCUA), 2005-
Assessor of university library services, Quality Agency of the University System of Castilla y León (ACU CyL)
Assessor of official postgraduate programmes and qualifications for the University System of Castilla y León (ACU CyL)
Participation in committees of auto-evaluation of qualifications. European project of higher education evaluation, 1994-1996.
Participation in technical committees of experts for the design of evaluation guides (departments, libraries and Granada university qualifications). UCUA. University Coordination Council.
External evaluator for the Council of Universities for the First National Plan of Quality Evaluation of Universities (1998-2002), area: degrees, research and services (libraries and archives)
External evaluator for the “Agencia Catalana per a Qualitat del Sistema Universitari.” President and member of external evaluation committees for the services of catalan university libraries.
External evaluator for the university coordination council for the Second Plan of University Quality (2002-), area: qualifications and services.
Evaluator for the national agency of evaluation and planning for research and development projects, 1999-.
Evaluator for the PAI (andalusian research project). General Directorate of Universities, 1999-.
Associate evaluator for the Management Quality Club . Madrid , CGC, 2003-
Evaluator in the sixth Research Framework Programme, European Union 2003-.
External evaluator for the Servicios universitarios. UCUA- AGAE (2004- )
External evaluator for the Agencia de Calidad Universitaria de Castilla-La Mancha (2005- )