Director and teacher of master's degrees, sponsored by the European Social Fund (1988-1994), on Planning and Management of Documentation and Information Centres .
She is coordinator of the master's degree in Quality Management at the University of Granada .
Guest teacher on courses, seminaries and doctorate programmes at the universities Complutense, Carlos III and San Pablo CEU of Madrid, Salamanca, León, Valladolid, Murcia, Alicante, Málaga, Cádiz, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Valencia, Politécnica de Cartagena, Rioja, Ferrol, Menéndez Pelayo, the International University of Andalucía, Ministerio de Cultura, Col-legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya….
Teacher on numerous courses and seminaries of specific training organised by professional associations such as SEDIC, Andalusian Association of librarians, Andalucia Library, Valencian association of documentalists, Professional association of information specialists (APEI), and European Institute of Permanent Training.
Teacher on courses organised by prestigious organizations, such as the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation, the Duques de Soria Foundation, for professional training, especially of librarians and translators.
Instructor of professionals in public administration, on courses organised by the Centre of civic studies and inter-provinces cooperation (CEMCI), by the MAP (Public Administration Ministry) and by the Occupational Observatory of Employment of the INEM (National Employment Institute) of Madrid.