
Information literacy from the university library in the knowledge society and the European convergence. E-learning tools design. SEDIC (8-31 de marzo de 2006)

Information literacy from the university library in the knowledge society and the European convergence. E-learning tools design. REBIUN (20-9 al 13-10 de 2006)

Information literacy from the university library in the knowledge society and the European convergence. E-learning tools design. SEDIC, Univesidad del Pais Vasco. (20-9 al 13-10 de 2006)

Information literacy from the university library in the knowledge society and the European convergence. E-learning tools design. SEDIC, Universidad de Cádiz (25-10 al 17- 11 de 2006)

Information literacy from the university library in the knowledge society and the European convergence. E-learning tools design. SEDIC, Universidad del País Vasco (8- 11 al 1-12 de 2006)

Multiple literacy as a service from the public library. SEDIC (22 -11 al 22- 12 de 2006)

Information literacy from the university library in the knowledge society and the European convergence. E-learning tools design. SEDIC, Universidad de Valladolid (1 al 23-2 de 2007)

Multiple literacy as a service from the public library. SEDIC. Ministerio de Cultura (14-2 al 9-3 de 2007)

Information literacy from the university library in the knowledge society and the European convergence. E-learning tools design. SEDIC, Universidad de La Rioja (7 al 30 de marzo de 2007)

Multiple literacy as a service from the public library. SEDIC, Ministerio de Cultura (14-9 al 5-10 de 2007)

Total Quality Management in libraries: Implementation and improvement. Madrid, SEDIC (28-11 al 21-12 de 2007)

Alfabetizar en información desde la biblioteca universitaria. Diseño de herramientas para el aprendizaje virtual. Organizado e impartido por SEDIC del 26 de noviembre al 19 de diciembre de 2008.

Alfabetizar en información desde la biblioteca universitaria. Diseño de herramientas para el aprendizaje virtual. Organizado por SEDIC e impartido para la Universidad de a Coruña, del 4 al 27 de febrero de 2009.