Number of found records: 9
BRUCE, Harry; MELOCHE, Joseph |
Information and document retrieval education: an australian perspective |
12th International Conference on New Information Technology (NIT). Puerto Rico, 1993. |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
This paper explains the shift away from educating the expert towards teaching the teacher that has occurred in instruction for information and document retrieval in the School of Information Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney. It identifies the model of professional information practice and the theoretical under-pinning of the graduate and undergraduate programs offered by this School. It also explores the changing context of information retrieval as we move away from remote online database retrieval towards retrieval via local CD-ROM databases. The paper concludes with a look toward future directions and what their implications are for instruction and for the profession (AU) |
Information Retrieval; Document Retrieval; Education; Online Databases; User-Oriented Paradigm; Cognitive Paradigm |
Assessment |
FARROW, John F. |
A Cognitive Process Model of Document Indexing |
Journal of documentation 1991, vol. 47, n.2, pp.149-166 |
On line (10/05/2005) |
Outlines a cognitive process model of abstracting, indexing, and classification that is based on text comprehension processes. Text comprehension for indexing versus other purposes is discussed, including conceptual and perceptual processing; conceptual knowledge and the development of expertise are discussed; and characteristics of short-term and long-term memory are described. (DB) |
indexing; cognitive process model of abstracting; |
Assessment |
GREEN, Rebecca |
The Profession`s Models of Information: A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis |
Journal of documentation 1991, vol. 47, nº 2, pp. 130-148 |
On line (10/05/2005) |
Explains three cognitive models of information and the information transfer process present in the literature of library and information science, based on a linguistic analysis of phrases incorporating the word 'information' from a random sample of abstracts in the LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts) database. (DB) |
cognitive models; linguistic analysis |
Assessment |
Summarization: Some Problems and Methods. |
In JONES, K.P., (Ed), Meaning: The Frontier of Informatics, Aslib, 1987, Vol. 9, pp.151-173. |
The provision of summaries is of crucial importance for fully effective retrieval of information, but research on summarization has been relatively neglected, After an outline of the basic linguistic and cognitive complexities of text understanding and summarizing, the paper reviews some current projects towards automating various aspects of summarization, and discusses future prospects. (AU) |
microstructure; macrostructure; automation; summarization; extracting; |
Assessment |
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