Number of found records: 51
DALIANIS, Hercules; HASSEL, Martin |
SweSum. Automatic Text Summarizer |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
Program that allows automated summarization. In prototype phase for German, French and Spanish. |
SWESUM program; automated summarization; |
Assessment |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
Originally designed for the analysis of open ended questions in surveys, TEXTPACK has been extended over the years to cope with many aspects of computer aided text analysis and most of content analysis (Web) |
software; TEXTPACK; text analysis; content analysis |
Assessment |
GOPAL, Kreshna; MORAPAKKAM, Karthik |
Incorporating Concept Maps in a Slide Presentation Tool for the Classroom Environment |
On line (09/05/2005) |
This paper presents a slide presentation software that incorporates a concept map, which explicitly shows how the various slides (and other multimedia components) presented are related to each other. Furthermore, presentations are conceived as hypermedia systems, where the presenter can navigate among slides (and the concept map) instead of the typical linear ordering of slides. This approach will alleviate the load on the audience to memorize, recognize and process perceived information. This tool can be extremely useful to enhance understanding of presented material, which is particularly valuable in the classroom environment. (AU) |
Computer-Assisted-Instruction; Multimedia-Materials |
Assessment |
HOEFT, Raegan M; JENTSCH, Florian G.; HARPER, Michelle E.; EVANS, A. William; BOWERS, Clint A. y SALAS, Eduardo. |
TPL-KATS-concept map: a computerized knowledge assessment tool |
Computers in human behavior, 2003, vol.19, n. 6, pp. 653-657.
On line (09/05/2005) |
A wide variety of instruments for the assessment of structural knowledge are used in psychology, education, and engineering. A software tool, TPL-KATS-Concept Map, was developed to examine the organization of mental representations via the use of a computer. This software tool provides a more efficient and user-friendly method than the traditional manual approaches to concept mapping used in the past. TPL-KATS-Concept Map can automate the entire concept map task, from instructions, to administration, to scoring. Although originally developed as a data collection tool for psychological studies, this software can be a valuable resource in training, interface design, and education as well. (AU) |
Concept maps; TPL-KATS; structural knowledge |
Assessment |