Number of found records: 44
NOVAK, Joseph D. |
The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How To Construct Them |
IHMC Cmap ToolsCornell University. |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
The author reviews the main issues relative conceptual mapping, its usefulness in colaborative learning and the way they are built. |
concept maps; cooperative learning |
Assessment |
NOVAK, Joseph D. |
Meaningful Learning: The Essential Factor for Conceptual Change in Limited or Inappropriate Propositional Hierarchies Leading to Empowerment of Learners. |
Science Education, 2002, vol.86, n.4, pp.548-571 |
On line (07/05/2005) |
Suggests that the construction and reconstruction of meanings by learners requires that they actively seek to integrate new knowledge with knowledge already in their cognitive structure. Concept mapping has been used effectively to aid meaningful learning with resulting modification of student's knowledge structures. Asserts that new computer tools are available to facilitate teaching activities targeted at modifying Limited or Inappropriate Propositional Hierarchies (LIPH) and aiding meaningful learning in general (AU) |
learning; concept mapping; knowledge representation |
Assessment |
Oakleaf, Megan |
Dangers and opportunities: a conceptual map of information literacy assessment approaches |
Libraries and the Academy, 2008, vol. 8, n. 3, pp. 233-253 |
On line |
The culture of assessment in higher education requires academic librarians to demonstrate the impact of information literacy instruction on student learning. As a result, many librarians seek to gain knowledge about the information literacy assessment approaches available to them. This article identifies three major assessment approaches: (1) fixed-choice tests, (2) performance assessments, and (3) rubrics. It maps the theoretical and educational assumptions on which these options are grounded and charts the dangers and opportunities of each assessment approach (AU) |
Information literacy; Assessment; Academic libraries |
Assessment |
Linking Reading and Writing: Concept Mapping as an Organizing Tactic. |
VisionQuest: Journeys toward Visual Literacy. Selected Readings from the Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association (28th, Cheyenne, Wyoming, October, 1996), 1997 |
On line (07/05/2005) |
Writers often must summarize others' texts as part of their own work. To succeed at this, they must first read and understand new information and then transform that information to fulfill a specific purpose. Concept mapping, used as a visual organizing technique, can be an effective link between the two processes. In a preliminary study, students in an undergraduate technical writing class were given a three-part, paper-based module on summarizing texts. Each part introduced the concepts of metacognitive reading strategy (defining the task, monitoring understanding, mentally organizing the material), summarizing strategy (selecting material to include, formulating topic sentences, polishing one's paraphrase), and concept mapping. Students read and mapped three texts and wrote summaries of two of the texts. Students completed concept maps of the text before writing summaries, and as part of the mapping tactic, they were instructed to label the links between ideas. The three-part unit did function successfully as an instructional tool. The students who completed all three parts of the unit produced summaries that were well-organized and that transformed the original material by combining ideas across sentences and paragraphs. Used as an in-class exercise, however, the unit took enough class time that future trials may involve take-home exercises as well. (Contains 13 references.) (DB) |
concept mapping; Information Processing; Learning-Strategies; |
Assessment |