Number of found records: 44
CHOU, Chien; LIN, Hua; SUN, Chuen-Tsai |
Navigation Maps in Hierarchical-Structured Hypertext Courseware |
International Journal of Instructional Media, 2000, vol. 27, n. 2, pp.165-82 |
On line (09/2005) |
Describes a study of college freshmen that investigated the effects of navigation maps on search performance, browsing behavior, and cognitive map development within hierarchical-structured hypertext courseware. Results of analysis of variance indicate that map type significantly affected search performance and browsing behavior. (DB) |
Cognitive-Mapping; Computer-Assisted-Instruction |
Assessment |
Brainstorming Web |
The Graphic Organizer, 2000 |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
The way links and relations between ideas and electronic contents are created is presented in a descriptive and schematic way. This is complemented with a set of strategies and methods for electronic content design and a selected bibliography |
Brainstorming; knowledge representation |
Assessment |
Concept Maps as an Alternative Technique for Assessing Students' Understanding of Telecommunications |
Proceedings of the International Academy for Information Management (IAIM) Annual Conference: International Conference on Informatics Education Research (ICIER) (17th, Barcelona, Spain, December 13-15, 2002). |
On line (07/05/2005) |
An alternative method of measuring the knowledge of students is to use mental models, and specifically concept maps. Concept maps provide a visual representation of conceptual and relationship knowledge within a particular domain. This study builds on previous studies and attempts to reduce their methodological weaknesses. Students in several undergraduate sections of an MIS Telecommunications course were asked to create concept maps of their Telecommunications knowledge at three distinct points throughout the semester. These concept maps were compared across all students at a single point in time, within students across the three time periods, and against the concept map of a domain "expert" at both the individual and composite levels. Findings indicate that the individual and composite maps increased significantly in size over time, and comparisons with the "expert" map show a significantly increasing overlap of concepts over time. Moreover, this study shows the applicability of this technique as an alternate assessment method. Includes seven tables and two figures. (Contains 12 references.) (AU) |
concept mapping; Knowledge representation; Student-Evaluation |
Assessment |
GAINES, Brian R.; STAW, Mildred L. |
Concept Maps as Hypermedia Components |
Alberta, Canadá: University of Calgary. Knowledge Science Institute. 1995. |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
Concept mapping has a history of use in many disciplines as a formal or semi-formal diagramming technique. Concept maps have an abstract structure as typed hypergraphs, and computer support for concept mapping can associate visual attributes with node types to provide an attractive and consistent appearance. Computer support can also provide interactive interfaces allowing arbitrary actions to be associated with nodes such as hypermedia links to other maps and documents. This article describes a general concept mapping system that is open architecture for integration with other systems, scriptable to support arbitrary interactions and computations, and cutomizable to emulate many styles of map. The system supports collaborative development of concept maps across local area and wide area networks, and integrates with World-Wide Web in both client helper and server gateway roles. A number of applications are illustrated ranging through education, artificial intelligence, active documents, hypermedia indexing and concurrent engineering. It is proposed that concept maps be regarded as basic components of any hypermedia system, complementing text and images with formal and semi-formal active diagrams. (AU) |
Concept maps; hypermedia |
Assessment |