Number of found records: 59
Relevance reconsidered '96 |
Ingwersen, P. and Pors, N.O.,eds. Information science: integration in perspective. Proceedings of COLIS 2, the Second International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, October 13-16, 1996. Copenhagen: The Royal School of Librarianship, 1996, pp.201-218. |
On line (13/05/2005) |
The paper is a critical review of the progress in thinking about the nature of relevance in information science. To a lesser extent, studies dealing with manifestations of relevance are reviewed as well. Four frameworks about nature of relevance emerged over time: systems, communication, situational, and psychological. A fifth or interactive framework is proposed, based on a stratified model of information retrieval (IR) interaction, where interactions are viewed as involving levels or strata. It is suggested that there is not only one relevance at play, but that there exits an interdependent system of relevancies, dynamically interacting within and between different strata or levels, with adaptations as necessary. A categorization of relevance manifestations is derived, and related to the system of relevancies. (AU) |
Relevance; information retrieval |
Assessment |
The stratified model of information retrieval interaction: extension and applications |
Schwartz, C. and Rorvik, M., eds. ASIS '97: Proceedings of the 60th ASIS annual meeting. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1997, pp.313-327. |
On line (13/05/2005) |
User-system interaction is a critical aspect for IR and digital libraries as well. Thus, a better understanding and modeling of these processes is of great importance to efforts aimed at making these systems more user responsive. The traditional IR model, with all its strengths, had a serious weakness: it did not depict the rich and varied interaction processes. Thus, several IR interaction models have been proposed. In 1996 I proposed a stratified model that views the interaction as a dialogue between participants, user and 'computer' (system) through an interface at a surface level; furthermore, each of the participants are depicted as having different levels or strata. On the user side elements involve at least these levels: cognitive, affective, and situational. On the 'computer' side there are at least engineering, processing, and content levels. Interaction is the interplay between various levels. This general model is now extended to encompass specific processes or phenomena that play a crucial role in IR interaction: the notion of relevance, user modeling , selection of search terms, and feedback types. Examples from a large study of interaction are used to illustrate these extensions. Suggestions for further research are made. (AU) |
Relevance; information retrieval |
Assessment |
The influence of relevance levels on the effectiveness of interactive information retrieval |
Journal of the Amercian Society for Information Science and Technology, 2004, vol. 55, n.11, pp. 963-969. |
On line (13/05/2005) |
In this paper, we focus on the effect of graded relevance on the results of interactive information retrieval (IR) experiments based on assigned search tasks in a test collection. A group of 26 subjects searched for four Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) topics using automatic and interactive query expansion based on relevance feedback. The TREC- and user-suggested pools of relevant documents were reassessed on a four-level relevance scale. The results show that the users could identify nearly all highly relevant documents and about half of the marginal ones. Users also selected a fair number of irrelevant documents for query expansion. The findings suggest that the effectiveness of query expansion is closely related to the searchers' success in retrieving and identifying highly relevant documents for feedback. The implications of the results on interpreting the findings of past experiments with liberal relevance thresholds are also discussed. (AU) |
Online information retrieval; Searching; Output; Relevance |
Assessment |
Why do we need to evaluate Web Sites? |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
Presentation of different resources for the evaluation of websites and their tools |
Evaluation; web site; |
Assessment |