Number of found records: 8
HAKKINEN, Markku T.; DeMEGLIO, Marisa; KAWAMURA, Hiroshi |
gNCX: Structure-based Navigation to Enhance Usability of Multimedia Content |
The eleventh international world wide web conference, mayo 2002 |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
Recent developments in the design of digital talking books for the visually disabled has resulted in the creation of a model of document navigation which can offer enhanced usability for a broad base of web-based content. The navigation model allows the semantic structure of a document, document set, or presentation to be represented external to the content, and utilized by a navigation-aware user agent. Using the navigation structure, a user agent can immediately expose the overall structure of the content to the user, and provide efficient navigation without the need to process the entire document set. Application of the navigation model to re-purposing of content, streaming multimedia presentations, and web devices is discussed and a specific example of an emergency information presentation system is shown (AU) |
Accessibility; disability; multimedia; open standards; usability; navigation; user interface; synchronized multimedia; device independence |
Assessment |
McLEOD, Denis; GEURTS, Joost; BOCCONI, Stefano; [et al] |
Distributed multimedia Information management: Towards ontology-driven discourse: form semantic graphs to multimedia presentations. |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Semantic Web Conference, 2003 |
This explains how to reach a discourse based on ontology, passing from semantic graphics to multimedia representation |
Multimedia; presentation; semantics |
Assessment |
NIELSEN, Jacob |
Guidelines for multimedia on the web |
alertbox december 1995 |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
Multimedia is gaining popularity on the Web with several technologies to support use of animation, video, and audio to supplement the traditional media of text and images. These new media provide more design options but also require design discipline. Unconstrained use of multimedia results in user interfaces that confuse users and make it harder for them to understand the information. Not every webpage needs to bombard the user with the equivalent of Times Square in impressions and movement (AU) |
multimedia; web; interfaces |
Assessment |
AMATO, Giuseppe; RABITTI, Fausto; SAVINO, Pasquale |
Multimedia document search on the Web. |
7th International World Wide Web Conference, 14-18 april 1998. |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
While pages on the Web contain more and more multimedia information, such as images, videos and audio, today's search engines are mostly based on textual information. There is an emerging need for a new generation of search engines that try to exploit the full multimedia information present on the Web. The approach presented in this paper is based on a multimedia model intended to describe the various multimedia components, their structure and their relationships with a pre-defined taxonomy of concepts, in order to support the information retrieval process (AU) |
Search engines; Multimedia information retrieval |
Assessment |