Number of found records: 19
A grounded theory on abstracts quality: weighting variables and attributes. |
Scientometrics, v. 69, 2, 2006, pp. 213-226. |
On line ( 02/2007) |
The goal is to deepen the knowledge of both sides of the abstract/ing topic: abstracting variables and abstract attributes. Six abstracting variables (representing abstract, represented source, abstracting means, documentary goal, cognitive domain and user needs) and eight abstract attributes (representativeness, comprehensiveness, usefulness, accuracy, consistency, coherence, density and perceived quality) are proposed and weighted. While abstracting means is uncovered as the main abstracting variable, the representativeness and accuracy attributes stand out, and usefulness, comprehensiveness, consistency, coherence and density are regarded as the basic ones. The feedback of this quality model is performed by the perceived quality attribute, which depends exclusively on users. |
abstract; attribute; quality; variable |
Assessment |
PINTO, María |
Abstracting/Abstract Adaptation to Digital Environments: research trends. |
Journal of Documentation, 2003, vol. 59, n. 5, pp.581-608 |
On line (11/05/2005) |
The technological revolution is affecting the structure, form and content of documents, reducing the effectiveness of traditional abstracts that, to some extent, are inadequate to the new documentary conditions. Aims to show the directions in which abstracting/abstracts can evolve to achieve the necessary adequacy in the new digital environments. Three researching trends are proposed: theoretical, methodological and pragmatic. Theoretically, there are some needs for expanding the document concept, reengineering abstracting and designing interdisciplinary models. Methodologically, the trend is toward the structuring, automating and qualifying of the abstracts. Pragmatically, abstracts networking, combined with alternative and complementary models, open a new and promising horizon. Automating, structuring and qualifying abstracting/abstract offer some short-term prospects for progress. Concludes that reengineering, networking and visualising would be middle-term fruitful areas of research toward the full adequacy of abstracting in the new electronic age |
Abstracting; Abstracts; Research; Electronic Document Delivery; Quality Function Deployment |
Assessment |
EQUINOX. Library Performance Measurement and Quality Management System |
27th November 1998 - 26th November 2000 |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
EQUINOX is a project funded under the Telematics for Libraries Programme of the European Commission. This project addresses the need of all libraries to develop and use methods for measuring performance in the new networked, electronic environment, alongside traditional performance measurement, and to operate these methods within a framework of quality management (Web) |
equinox; library; quality management system |
Assessment |
Working Group Quality Criteria for Different Types of Abstracts (notes by Alexander Sigel) |
Summarizing Text for Intelligent Communication. Dagstuhl Seminar 13.12.-17.12.1993, Dagstuhl, Germany. |
On line ( 15/06/2004) |
Four models of how to evaluate abstract quality were proposed. Strong need of user-oriented qualitative research was expressed. Major achivement would be to extrinsically understand use of summaries by users. (AU) |
abstracting models; quality; evaluation |
Assessment |
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