Number of found records: 10
On line (13/05/2005) |
The full-text ERIC Digest database contains 2,466 Digests published through December, 2001. The database is updated quarterly; Digests added to the ERIC Database during the previous three months are added |
database; educational community |
Assessment |
ISI Web of knowledge |
On line ( 26/07/2005)(Only UGR) |
Is a dynamic, fully integrated environment that provides one source for high quality content and tools to access, analyse, and manage research information |
quality content; research information |
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On line (16/05/2005) |
Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), published by Bowker-Saur, covers the field of librarianship and information science but includes many related areas such as Publishing, and specific applications of information technology in such fields as Medicine and Agriculture (Web) |
database; librarianship; information science |
Assessment |
On line ( 26/0/7/2004(Only UGR) |
CA contains abstracts of articles, bibliographic quotations and indexes of world chemical literature from approximately 8000 scientific and technical publications from 150 countries in 150 languages. CA also covers the chemical patents of 28 patent offices, technical reports, theses, lectures, and books. CA includes a broad spectrum of scientific and technical information (biochemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic and organic chemistry) (Web). |
bibliographic citation; literature index; chemistry; patent; technical report; dissertation; lecture; book |
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